

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023年11月07日 11:19     來(lái)源:中國(guó)新聞網(wǎng)




  A shared goal will bring the world together. The ancient Silk Road was not only a road of trade and commerce, but also one of cultural exchanges and convergence. Additionally, Buddhism, Islam and Arab astronomy, calendar and medicine found their way to China, while China's four great inventions and silkworm breeding technology spread to other parts of the world.

  Nowadays, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has facilitated the convergence of Eastern and Western cultures, economies, and technologies, recreating the prosperity along this route in the new era. In the past ten years, BRI participating countries have established joint laboratories and collaborated on technology transfer, sharing the dividends of technological progress. At the end of 2018, the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS)-3 primary system entered operation, commencing its global service. TCM exchange and cooperation have become a "new card" for building a global community of health for all.

  The BRI has played a vital role in promoting mutual learning and connectivity among nations. This has unlocked immense potential for development, ignited stronger dynamism in science and technology, and revitalized both Chinese and foreign civilizations. (by Chen Caixia, Huang Fang)


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