

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024年10月02日 12:48     來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)


  在他看來,現(xiàn)在正是中國日漸成為高科技國家的關(guān)鍵時(shí)刻。隨著中國轉(zhuǎn)型為全球科技強(qiáng)國,它將在全世界承擔(dān)起引領(lǐng)與促進(jìn)共同發(fā)展的重任。(記者 吳辛茹)

  After reform and opening up, China completed the industrialization transformation step by step. In just a few decades, China has become the world's factory. This has not only contributed to China's own rapid development but also benefited the whole world, noted HervéMachenaud, former technical director for EDF, France's state-owned electric utility company.

  In his eyes, it is the crucial time for China’s transformation into a technologically advanced country. With China's transformation into a global technology powerhouse, it will take on the important task of leading and promoting common development around the world. (Wu Xinru)


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