
政協(xié)委員答荷蘭小伙:歡迎大家“China Travel”,體驗中國煙火氣丨問答中國·兩會

發(fā)布時間:2025年03月12日 10:17     來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)

  隨著中國旅游簽證限制的放寬,越來越多的國際游客來到中國,形成獨特的“China Travel”熱潮。作為古老的東方禮儀之邦,中國如何展現(xiàn)“好客之道”?又為迎接國際游客出臺了哪些便利化舉措?

  本期節(jié)目特邀全國政協(xié)委員、民建北京市委副主委、??蠂H文化集團(tuán)董事長安庭,及全國政協(xié)委員、春秋航空董事長王煜,來回答中國人民大學(xué)荷蘭籍留學(xué)生史凱恩的問題。(林卓瑋 薛凌橋 張東方 謝藝觀)

  As China launches more visa-free policies, more and more international tourists are flocking to the country, sparking a unique "China Travel" craze. As an ancient land known for its rich traditions of hospitality, how is China showcasing its welcoming spirit? What measures have been introduced to make travel more convenient for international visitors?

  In this episode, we welcome An Ting, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Vice Chairman of the Beijing Committee of China National Democratic Construction Association, and Chairman of CHIC International Culture Group, along with Wang Yu, also a member of the CPPCC National Committee and Chairman of Spring Airlines. They will answer questions from Koen Smeets, a Dutch student at Renmin University of China. (Lin Zhuowei, Xue Lingqiao, Zhang Dongfang, Xie Yiguan)


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